I hope you take this as an opportunity to stop, reflect and smile. Feel free to comment about what I posted, or even better what made YOU smile today.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

December 2nd

I smiled today.... Every morning I get to smile.  Colby usually wakes up in a great mood.  He is usually reading in his crib when you go in to get him or just laying there talking to himself. 

Today he was laying there just laughing.  As soon as I walked to his crib, he grabbed his pacifier and put it in his mouth sideways and just giggled at me.  I took them pacifiers away and picked him up.  As he does every morning, he then snuggled up next to my cheek and just lays there with his head on my shoulder. 

Colby is an on-the-go little boy, but every morning he starts the day with a snuggle.  Is there any better way to start the day?



Anonymous said...

How cute! N used to wake up like that too. I would love to lay in bed and listen to him on the monitor just laugh and talk to himself.

Steven & Kimberly said...

Hi! I just stumbled across this blog. It's so refreshing to see a blog where you write about the simple things in life and not about everything that is going wrong in life. Such a great idea and blog!

Merry Christmas!